Thursday, 26 November 2015

Character of a woman

What is character; this is a most disputed question which also has been raised in this poetry book. A woman whose husband is not able to understand her only exploit her just because she is his wife and the woman who, in the moments of emotional weakness, fascinates to a guy who gives her the emotional strength but not dare to take the divorce to her husband and indulge into an extra marital affair. Is she characterless having all the attributes of feminine beauty but not fulfilling the norms of society. Plz share your views as it is the theme of my upcoming fiction.
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Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Life........On The Moving Wheel of Time

The cover photo of my Upcoming Book "Life......On The Moving Wheel of Time" which will released on new year.

Monday, 23 November 2015

My Art Works

Sometimes the silent lips convey the message what the words do not.

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