Tuesday, 11 August 2015

The flames Of funeral

I saw the funeral; dancing with fire,
I saw the burial; going into the dust;
Yeah, I saw the corpse of a living being,
Melting into the water; burning in the fire,
Vaporing in the sky; the shattered body,
Disintegrated into the five elements;
Going back into the sole self,
But the atoms, the form of eternity;
They traverse through the space,
To get their home place,
To rest into the eternal abode
Of light and purity.

Yeah I saw the last day of my
Earthly journey;
Leaving behind the near and dear ones,
Crying and gossiping
Going back to their monotonous work,
Tedious and dull but essential
To live the life;
The life which constantly keeping its
Step towards the death;
Death, O! Death, the sole truth
Of existence silently coming to us,
To pause the time.

The time; the eternal time
Which will never move for the emperor too;
It ceased to the royal queen Cleopatra,
To the wizard of poetry Shakespeare,
To Alexander, the great moving forward:
Even it swallowed the slaughterer of humanity,
The cruel dictator Hitler,
All of they perished,
And covered in the shrouds
This is the sole truth
Stick with life
Whether of regal or trivial.

I saw my pyre,
Covered with white sheet;
Decorated with flower,
Going on the shoulders
Of four men with a procession,
To the pile of wood, set on fire,
With the raising flames,
It will extinguish into the warm ashes;
Which will slowly chill down,
Like the emotions of loved ones,
To live their lives in this halt,
And then coming to the same place.

There is nothing to grieve
As it is the truth,
The beautiful truth,
A redemption of ceaseless breath,
Into the peace, from the hurry and burry
Of this world, the suffocated world:
Our timeless atoms will again gather,
To meet the jivatma,
To go one step more from the past life:
To accomplish the unfulfilled works,
To articulate the creation,
Of that unexpressed time and space.

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